The Source

Here is how you can switch things up with a better showerhead to drastically improve your shower experience.

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Graceful Centering with Qigong 

Graceful Centering with Qigong 

Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice that’s just as useful and profound today as it’s ever been.  qi = our life force and energy gong = the act of cultivating...

Cold Shower, Clear Mind.

Cold Shower, Clear Mind.

Coffee gets all of the attention but cold water can perk you up faster than caffeine. So enjoy a cold water ritual anytime you need a boost. Cold showers We...

Washing the Stress Away with a Forest Bath

Washing the Stress Away with a Forest Bath

The color green has long been associated with feelings of calm and relaxation. And in-the-know creatives use it to evoke those states of being with particular designs and spaces. But...

How House Plants Can Help You Thrive 

How House Plants Can Help You Thrive 

Caring for something living can help you feel more relaxed and lift your spirits. But not just pets – that includes plant life too.  So whether you’re a master gardener...

Ritual-ready Crystals and Stones

Ritual-ready Crystals and Stones

Ritual-ready Crystals and Stones There’s something about crystals and stones that feels magical. They can be strikingly beautiful,  but they’re also so much more than good looks. They’re widely believed...

The Wim Hof Method

The Wim Hof Method

The Wim Hof Method If you’ve heard stories about people hanging out in freezing lakes or breathing their way through the elements, you’ve probably heard of the Wim Hof Method...

Meeting Friends for Coffee or Tea

Meeting Friends for Coffee or Tea

Meeting Friends for Coffee or Tea We’ve never had more ways to connect from afar, and yet loneliness is more widespread than ever.  Shared rituals with others have the power...

Your Daily Dose of No Electronics

Your Daily Dose of No Electronics

Your daily dose of no electronics How much time do you spend online? How much time do you spend using electronics? We can relate. That’s why sometimes there’s nothing better...