How to Clean Your hai Showerhead

Over time, mineral deposits, bacteria, and debris can accumulate in your hai showerhead, impacting water flow, pressure, and quality. But fret not! We've got quick tips for hassle-free cleaning.

How often should I clean my hai?

Great question! We recommend cleaning your hai every 6-8 weeks.

Tips and tricks for cleaning your hai showerhead:

  1. The Nozzle Flick: A simple fingertip flick brings life back to your shower. Gently tap or flick each nozzle to dislodge mineral deposits, maintaining water flow. Prevent blockages that could hinder your in-shower routine.
  2. The Vinegar and Baking Soda Method: Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water. Apply with a cloth to cover nozzles and buildup-prone areas. Craft a baking soda paste for stubborn spots. Gently scrub with a soft brush or old toothbrush. Let the vinegar-baking soda magic work for 15-30 mins, then rinse.

Your hai showerhead cleaning checklist:

  • Regularly wipe down to prevent buildup and enhance performance.
  • Deep clean if water flow changes – mineral deposits worsen with time.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasives that can damage the surface.
  • Run a fan during and after showers to curb mold and mildew in your bathroom.