6 Stretches You Can Do in the Shower
Whether starting a workout or wrapping up a long day of sitting, stretching is a healthy habit that pays off. There's just one problem. Who has the time to add one more thing to their wellness to-do list?

Enter shower stretching.

Here are six simple shower stretches to try and get your body moving.

  1. Reach for the Sky: Take a full body stretch by standing up straight and reaching above your head with both hands, extending along your entire spine.
  2. Gentle Neck Rolls: While standing with your feet firmly planted and back to the shower head, gently tilt your head from side to side to ease neck tension.
  3. Wall Chest Opener: Create a cactus shape with your right arm against the shower wall and twist your body away from your arm to feel the stretch.
  4. Wrist and Hand Stretch: Extend your right hand with the palm up, then gently pull your fingers back with your left hand to stretch your wrist and forearm.
  5. Standing Cat-Cow: Relax your chest, belly, shoulders, and spine by alternating between arching and rounding your back while inhaling.
  6. Forward Fold: Raise both arms above your head and lengthen through your entire spine. Exhale, and bend forward from your hips.

Adding these stretches to your daily shower routine is a great place to start.